

The most important to understand is that we have three types of consciousness

  1. Thinking — Mind / Eye
  2. Feeling  — Heart
  3. Doing —  Hands / Feet

Thus first you need to learn and understand with your Thinking consciousness – commit a few steps to memory.

  1. The process of connecting to the patient
  2. The process of making the diagnosis
  3. Record the results

Process of connecting to the patient :

  1. Take your thinking mind to your heart ( feeling)  and then down to your feet ( doing)
  2. Take your thoughts deep into the ground and connect up to the Heart of the patient
  3. You are now connected Heart -to – Heart

Process of making the diagnosis:

  1. Switch on TC Laser
  2. Switch off TC Boost
  3. Open EM Balance app / Diagnosis / Channel / BMS
  4. Play the music whilst shinning your TC laser at the patient – test each song
  5. Record positive pulse reactions

Record your results

  1. Immediately record your results – I use a sheet and circle the positives -if you do not record immediately you will forget and when you have done so many you have no way of knowing what you diagnosed
  2. Copy of my record sheet 

Diagnosing the Sick channel

  1. If you get a positive pulse reaction to the Soul – the patient is generally well
  2. Most patients will be negative to the Soul and react to a negative state of mind – thus there are only three negative states of mind – thus it’s easier to use these songs to diagnose which channel is the Sick channel.
  3. Video explanation in the app

Primary diagnosis

Once the sick channel is identified – you need to dive in deeper and find out what kind of processes are going on in the Sick channel

  1. Is there a split of the mind  ( thus one must check both sides of the body )
  2. What energy system is involved: Yang or Inh or Yin  as this tells us if the sick channel is Acute / Sub-acute / Chronic
  3. Sympathetic versus Parasympathetic   ( please note – this only shows in some patients – NOT every patient )
  4. I AM signal or Cancer signal

Video understanding